
قالب اپن کارت Journal

ارسال شده توسط: رحیم زاده | تاریخ انتشار: 2021-06-16 10:03:44 | Journal , ژورنال , قالب اپن کارت , اپن کارت , Opencart | نظرات 0

نام قالب : Journal - Advanced Opencart Theme Framework

توضیحات و معرفی قالب Journal :

تم ژورنال آخرین چارچوب تم Opencart با بهترین ویژگی های کلاس و قابل تنظیم ترین موتور طراحی است که تاکنون در یک پروژه Opencart پیاده سازی شده است و به شما امکان کنترل کامل فروشگاه را می دهد. ژورنال می تواند به همان اندازه ای که می خواهید ساده و تمیز یا پیچیده و رنگارنگ باشد.

  • RTL support.
  • Infinite scroll feature on category pages. Journal > Settings > Category Page > General > Infinite Scroll.
  • Super Filter – Added support for default Opencart filters.
  • Super Filter – Added option to enable the SuperFilter on mobile phones.
  • Super Filter – Added collapsable filter sections so they can be open/closed when clicking on the section title. Journal > Settings > Modules > Super Filter.
  • Layout – Option to define custom spacing between product grid items. Journal > Settings > Global > General > Layout > Content Spacing
  • Layout – Options to define main content container + side columns paddings. Journal > Settings > Global > General > Layout > Content Spacing
  • Layout – Option to define side column width (with separate tablet option). Journal > Settings > Global > General > Layout > Content Spacing
  • Layout – Option to disable side columns on tablet. Journal > Settings > Side Column > General
  • Header – Retina logo option. – Journal > Settings > Header > General > Retina Logo.
  • Header – New Sticky Header mechanism with different styling options and tablet support. Journal > Settings > Header > General > Sticky Header.
  • Header – Sticky Menu / Cart on phone. Journal > Settings > Header > Menus > Main Menu > Mobile Menu
  • Header – Dropdown menu options for top or secondary menus.
  • Header – New main menu display “Centered”. Menus > Main Menu > General > Menu Display.
  • Header – Options to define custom height for top bar, logo area and main menu. (With separate sticky header options).
  • Header – Options to define custom shadows.
  • Header – Option to disable top bar entirely (Center or Mega header types only).
  • Header – Options to disable Top or Secondary menu bars on phones. Journal > Settings > Header > Menus > Top Menu/Secondary Menu
  • Header – Language / Currency option to display flag/symbol + text.
  • Backgrounds – Added gradient option in the background editor.
  • Backgrounds – Added background size option.
  • Side Category – Added option to choose a category as a custom item (automatically displaying its sub-categories).
  • Photo Gallery – Changed module engine with support for thumbnails in the popup gallery.
  • Product page image full size image zoom – After the main image is opened in the popup gallery there is an additional zoom button to display an even bigger image version. (Requires large product image dimensions.)
  • Enquiry Button on out of stock products only. (Product Tabs/Blocks modules too).
  • Duplicate module instance. – can now duplicate any existing module, individual slide or menu item and begin editting from that point.
  • Font Editor – Added Mobile Font Size. Can now display a different font size for any given element on phones.
  • Font Editor – Moved all common properties in the INHERIT tab. This helps by allowing changes to any element’s font properties without having to choose the font family again.
  • Added Enable on Phone/Tablet for search Auto-Suggest + Scroll to Top button.
  • Collapsable footer columns on mobile.

  • Addressed equal height grid issues across the entire theme.
  • Addressed issue with Revolution slider main image loading delay.
  • Quick Checkout – Voucher/Coupon fixes.
  • Quick Checkout – Default shipping address fix.
  • Quick Checkout – Window auto scroll to top if Confirm Order button pressed with required field empty.
  • Quick Checkout – Option to disable the telephone field in the Quick Checkout.
  • Price rich snippets fix.
  • Close popup after newsletter subscribe success fix.
  • Quickview Push Image options fix.
  • Countdown + Rating fix.
  • Search in description for Auto-Suggest fix.
  • Added support for Push Image option in OC 2.3.x
  • Fixed dropdown menu issue on touch devices – sometimes linked menu items that also had a dropdown will go to the linked page on first tap/click instead of showing the dropdown.
  • Added unique class on every Journal module that doesn’t change with cache load.
  • Header Notice – Show only once / Do not show again fixes.
  • Text input fields color and border options. Journal > Settings > Global > Pages > Text Input Fields.


دمو قالب ژورنال : Journal

لینک های دانلود قالب ژورنال: 



منبع: themeforest

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